about us

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Crafting clarity and trust with every streak-free shine.

Our vision

At The Window Wizards, our vision is to master the art of window cleanliness and clarity, delivering unparalleled service and professionalism. We aspire to be more than just window cleaners; we aim to be trusted partners in bringing clarity and trust to every space we touch.



The story of Two Highschool Students with a dream....

The Window Wizards story began in the bustling communities of Richmond Hill and Stouffville, where two high school friends, Anish and Ken, dreamt of something bigger.

     As students at St. Michael’s College School, their drive and ambition were unmistakable. Both shared a vision of excellence and a passion for entrepreneurship, which led them to Western University, pursuing a dual degree with an Advanced Entry Opportunity (AEO) for an Ivey HBA and Computer Science.

     The seed for The Window Wizards was planted while Anish and Ken were still in high school. Both had been accepted into Western and were eager to embark on a business venture that reflected their values and aspirations. The idea struck when they noticed a glaring gap in the local window cleaning industry – a lack of attention to detail. This realization came after experiencing subpar service at their own homes.

     Determined to raise the bar, Anish and Ken founded their own window cleaning company. It was a venture driven by a commitment to quality and a customer-first approach. Starting with door-to-door sales in Ken’s neighborhood in Richmond Hill, they quickly earned their first clients. Their dedication to meticulous work and exceptional service didn’t just clean windows; it created lasting impressions and brightened communities.

     Word of their outstanding service spread rapidly. What began as an operation of just Anish and Ken, quickly blossomed into an operation of 16. Anish and Ken continue to lead their small company with the same core values: unparalleled service, unwavering attention to detail, and a steadfast commitment to their customers.

    The Window Wizards is about more than just sparkling windows – it’s about creating clear views and brighter futures, one pane at a time.